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A line up of recyclable characters with smiling faces peeping out from behind a box: a perfume bottle, deodorant can, toilet roll tube, spray bottle and yoghurt pot. A headline above them reads: Rescue Me! Recycle

Garden waste

Recycle at home

Recycle out of home

Yes, garden waste can be recycled at some out of home recycling points.

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What can be put in garden waste?

  • Home-grown fruit or vegetables

  • Leaves, flowers, grass and weeds

  • Tree bark, pruned branches and twigs

Good to know

Some local authorities provide a special bin for your garden waste and collect it as part of their household collection scheme. If you don't have this type of collection service or your bin is full, you can recycle garden waste at Recycling Centres.

How to recycle garden waste

  • If your council provide a sack or bin for garden waste, make sure you follow any special instructions for what can and can't be included.

  • If you are taking your garden waste to your local Recycling Centre, use a strong, durable bag (not a black bin liner) and try not to overfill it. That way it's less likely to tear and once it's been emptied, you can take it back home with you, ready to use next time.

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