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A hand holds out a clear recycling bag full of plastic bags and wrapping

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Newcastle City Council

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Newcastle City Council is making it easier for you to recycle your plastic bags and wrapping so that we can all recycle better, together. For each other. For Newcastle.

What is this pilot?

A new trial recycling service for plastic bags and wrapping has been introduced in your local area. Starting from 5 June 2023 your plastic bags and wrapping will be collected on the same day as your normal recycling service, inside your blue recycling bin. This is a small-scale trial and if you are involved you will have received information about the trial in the post.

The trial will be available to a small number of residents at the start, however, over the course of the next two years, it will expand across other parts of Newcastle.

Recycled plastic bags and wrapping can be used to make new plastic products such as plastic packaging, ‘bags for life’, boxes, bins, and agricultural and construction materials. Recycling your plastic bags and wrapping is simple! Find out what to do below.

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How to recycle your plastic bags and wrapping at home in Newcastle

  1. 1

    Only place your plastic bags and wrapping into the collection bags provided by Newcastle City Council so they are easily identified in the recycling process.

  2. 2

    Place only your plastic bags and wrapping in the collection bag, tie it securely, and place it inside your blue recycling bin.

  3. 3

    If you’re wondering what type of plastic bags and wrapping can be included in your collection bag, see the list below!

What to include

  • All plastic bags – carrier bags, salad/fruit/vegetable bags, frozen food bags, bread bags, cereal bags, flower bags

  • Confectionary wrappers – chocolate, sweets, biscuits, cakes, ice cream and chewing gum wrappers

  • Foil lined packaging – crisp packets, snack packets, coffee bags

  • Plastic film and sleeves – removable film lids, plastic sleeves for bottles and jars

  • Bubble wrap and cling film

  • Fruit and vegetable net bags

  • Cheese, fish, and meat wrapping

  • Outer layer bags and wrapping – multipack, toilet and kitchen roll, magazine, and newspaper wrapping

What not to include

All items should be dry, clean and free from any food.

  • All pouches, sachets, and packets – microwaveable food, baby food, pet food, cosmetics, detergent and cleaning

  • Crisp tubes

  • Plastic straws or cutlery

  • Foam or polystyrene of any kind

  • Disposable gloves or masks

  • Balloons

  • Blister packs, pills, and tablets packaging

  • Compostable or biodegradable bags and wrapping

  • Plastic bottles, pots, tubs, or trays*

  • Ready meal or fresh meat and fish containers or trays*

*You can still recycle these items by placing them loose in your recycling.

Top Tip

Keep your plastic bags and wrapping until you’ve collected a full bag before putting them in your blue recycling bin.


What are plastic bags and wrapping?

Plastic bags and wrapping refers to flexible plastic packaging that typically bends easily and can include bags, pouches, sachets, removable lids/liners (yoghurt pot lids) and wrappings. Plastic bags and wrapping are most commonly used to protect products such as sweets/chocolates, snack foods, frozen foods, bakery, fresh produce, meat, dairy, pet food, processed foods, cosmetics, personal care, household detergents, beverage bottle/can wrappings.

Why have you introduced a plastic bags and wrapping recycling collection service?

We’ve introduced a new trial service to help make recycling plastic bags and wrapping easier for you. Currently, in the UK, only 6% of plastic bags and wrapping are recycled. Offering this service helps you and the rest of Newcastle to recycle better, together. The trial is currently available to a small number of households, but it will gradually expand to more households over the next 2-3 years.

How long will the trial last?

The trial will start on 5 June 2023 and will run until March 2025. The trial will only be available to a small number of households at the start, however over the course of 2-3 years, it will expand to other areas of Newcastle. The service will go beyond 2025 when government legislation should provide the necessary funding for the service to continue.

Why is the trial only available to a small selection of households in the area?

The trial will run in two stages. The first stage only involves a small section of the area, however over time the service will expand to reach more households across Newcastle. Running the trial in stages allows for the project to collect detailed insights and gain an understanding of the best methods to collect plastic bags and wrapping from homes.

Are there any other local authorities that are taking part in the trial?

There are several other local authorities involved in the trial.

Can I still take my plastic bags and wrapping to front of store points to recycle?

Now that a plastic bags and wrapping recycling collection trial is available from your home, you should use the kerbside service to recycle those items.

Why do I have to put plastic bags and wrapping in the collection bag? Why can’t I just put it in my blue recycling bin?

The process for recycling plastic bags and wrapping is different to recycling other plastic packaging. Therefore, plastic bags and wrapping need to be grouped together in the collection bag so that they can be sorted effectively from other recyclables during the recycling process.

Can I put all types of plastic bags and wrapping in the recycling collection?

We accept all types of plastic bags and wrapping listed in the leaflet you have received, so long as they fit inside the collection bag. Please do not put plastic bags and wrapping loose in with your other recycling. Remember to always use your collection bag and tie it securely.

Where can I order more collection bags?

Remember to order more bags before you reach the end of your supply. If you need more collection bags, please visit Newcastle City Council Home Page.

Why doesn’t the recycling locator or Newcastle City Council’s website show that they collect plastic bags and wrapping from my home?

The Recycling Locator does not include the plastic bags and wrapping recycling collection from home because the trial is currently only available to a small selection of households. At this stage of the trial, we only want those households in the trial area to collect plastic bags and wrapping for recycling from their homes. Once the availability of the service expands to more households, information will be added on to the Recycling Locator. For the moment, refer to this page or your plastic bags and wrapping leaflet for a list of what can be recycled in your area.

What is the environmental benefit of recycling plastic bags and wrapping?

Creating new products from recycled plastic provides many benefits to the environment. Almost all virgin plastic (plastic that has never been recycled) comes from fossil fuels, and the process of manufacturing plastic creates millions of tonnes of greenhouse gases every year which harms the environment.

The trial will allow us to explore and gain a clear understanding of how recycling plastic bags and wrapping has an effect on carbon savings, reducing climate change and what the environmental impact is for the local community.

What can recycled plastic bags and wrapping be turned into?

Recycled plastic bags and wrapping can be used to make a range of new plastic products such as, plastic packaging, ‘bags for life’, boxes, bins, and agricultural and construction materials, reducing the reliance on virgin plastic. For longer term, the aim is to support turning recycled plastic bags and wrapping into plastic packaging for food, enabling the UK to create a fully circular model for using this type of plastic material.

Why aren’t plastic bags and wrapping currently widely recycled from home?

Currently, only 17% of local authorities in the UK offer a collection of plastic bags and wrapping. In future years this is set to change with new regulations, but it will take time. In the UK, the aim is for all local authorities to collect plastic bags and wrapping from homes by 2027. To get to this point, we need to test the best methods for collecting, sorting and recycling plastic film. This trial is part of a wider project called FPF FlexCollect, which focuses on developing best practice and insights into the recyclability of flexible plastic bags and wrapping. You can find out more about the FPF FlexCollect project here.

Why aren’t all of the local authorities participating in the trial collecting the same types of plastic bags and wrapping?

To get a detailed understanding of the best way to collect plastic bags and wrapping from the home, the project is testing the collection of various types and combinations. To ensure that you’re putting the correct type of plastic bags and wrapping into your collection bag, please refer to the list of what can be recycled in your area.

Why was my local authority selected for the trial?

Newcastle is representative of communities throughout the UK in terms of rurality, economy, geography, recycling services and collection methods. Newcastle City Council’s recycling infrastructure has the scope to incorporate plastic bags and wrapping collection and sorting into the process and they have shown enthusiasm in participating in the trial.

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