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A line up of recyclable characters with smiling faces peeping out from behind a box: a perfume bottle, deodorant can, toilet roll tube, spray bottle and yoghurt pot. A headline above them reads: Rescue Me! Recycle

Jewellery and watches

Recycle at home

Recycle out of home

Yes, jewellery and watches can be recycled at some out of home recycling points - find out more below.

How to recycle jewellery and watches

  • Unwanted or broken jewellery and watches can be donated to some charity shops and charity organisation to raise funds. put them in a separate plastic bag to keep them together, otherwise, they may get lost in the sorting process.

  • Items that may be accepted include odd earrings, broken necklaces, bracelets, brooches and chains, and watches that no longer work.

Good to know

Online organisations like Recycling for Good Causes accept jewellery and watches via the post, regardless of condition, for re-sale and recycling to raise funds for national charities and local groups such as Scouts and Brownies.

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