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A line up of recyclable characters with smiling faces peeping out from behind a box: a perfume bottle, deodorant can, toilet roll tube, spray bottle and yoghurt pot. A headline above them reads: Rescue Me! Recycle

Christmas tree lights

Recycle at home

Some local authorities accept small electricals such as Christmas tree lights as part of their home recycling scheme. If yours does there may be special instructions on how to put them out for collection - for example, place them in a clear plastic bag tied to your recycling bin. It is best to check with them first.

Do not put the lights directly into your recycling bin.

Recycle out of home

Yes, christmas tree lights can be recycled at some out of home recycling points.

See nearby recycling points

How to recycle Christmas tree lights

  • Christmas lights or fairy lights are classed as small electrical items and can be recycled at Recycling Centres.

  • Some local authorities collect small electricals as part of their recycling collections and may also provide special collection bins at other sites too, e.g. supermarket car parks.

Good to know

Illustration of bin with cross through it

Any items that have a plug, use batteries, need charging or have a picture of a crossed out wheelie bin on, are known as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

These items should not be sent to landfill and should be recycled at Recycling Centres, electrical item bring banks or via electrical retailers - visit to find out more.

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