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A line up of recyclable characters with smiling faces peeping out from behind a box: a perfume bottle, deodorant can, toilet roll tube, spray bottle and yoghurt pot. A headline above them reads: Rescue Me! Recycle

Gas bottles

Recycle at home

Recycle out of home

Yes, gas bottles can be recycled at some out of home recycling points.

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How to recycle gas bottles

  • Some local authorities accept gas bottles at Recycling Centres - find your nearest below. Please check with staff where the bottles should be left so they can be stored safely before being re-used.

  • Most gas bottles are designed have a long life and can be returned to suppliers to be refilled and reused - find out more below.

  • Gas cylinders should not be placed in your waste bin as they may explode if crushed.

Good to know

Returning and reusing gas bottles

Many retailers and suppliers will allow you to return your gas bottle for a replacement, once used.

  • For advice about Calor Gas bottles, visit the their refill, exchange and return page

  • For gas cylinders other than Calor Gas, read the advice on the Liquid Gas UK website

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