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A line up of recyclable characters with smiling faces peeping out from behind a box: a perfume bottle, deodorant can, toilet roll tube, spray bottle and yoghurt pot. A headline above them reads: Rescue Me! Recycle

Light bulbs

Recycle at home

Recycle out of home

Yes, light bulbs can be recycled at some out of home recycling points.

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How to recycle light bulbs

  • Energy efficient light bulbs can be recycled at most larger Recycling Centres and some stores - find your nearest below.

  • Older style 'incandescent' bulbs aren't recyclable and should be put in the waste bin.

Good to know

Why use energy efficient light bulbs?

  • Low energy light bulbs save you money and help the environment by using less electricity.

  • At the same time you are also reducing the quantity of waste, because they don't need to be replaced as often as ordinary bulbs.

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