Plastic pots, tubs and trays
Recycle at home
Recycle out of home
Yes, plastic pots, tubs and trays can be recycled at some out of home recycling points.
Which plasic pots, tubs and trays can be recycled?
Chocolate and biscuit tubs and trays
Dishwasher tablet and washing capsule tubs
Non-black plant pots
Other clear plastic packaging
Pots, e.g. yogurt and soup
Tubs, e.g. margarine and ice cream
Trays or punnets, e.g. raw or cooked meat trays, take-away trays and fruit & veg trays
Which plastics pots, tubs and trays can't be recycled?
Paint pots - recycle these at your Recycling Centre
Plastic toys - these are currently not recyclable
Expanded polystyrene, e.g. packaging inserts
How to recycle plastic pots, tubs and trays
- 1
Use left over washing up water to rinse your plastic pots and tubs before recycling. Left-over food residue can contaminate other recyclables.
- 2
Labels and lids can all be left on but plastic film and absorbent pads must be removed and put in the waste bin.
- 3
Any cardboard or paper sleeves can be recycled separately.
- 4
Remove any film lids from the pots or trays. These can be recycled with plastic bags and wrapping at larger retailers.
Good to know

You can rescue more plastic items from the rubbish. Did you know, plastic trigger spray bottles (like kitchen and bathroom cleaning sprays) can be recycled?
Yoghurt pots are commonly missed from recycling, too - simply give them a quick rinse and recycle.